Prices start at $10,000 & up. Family owned & American made!

(888) 998 GATE

Driveway Gates

Prices start at $10,000 & up. Call or text Lindsey @ 6148009840 for a quote. Family Owned & American Made!

Columbus, Ohio Custom Gates with Overhead Sign

Columbus Ohio Custom Gates

These ranch driveway gates were a fun project from start to finish and will look great at their new home for many years to come.  JDR Metal Art designed, built, powder coated & installed this 24v solar-powered automatic gate system.

12′ Dual Swing Oak Tree with Whitetails

Ranch driveway gates by JDR Metal Art

Designed, Fabricated, Powder Coated & Installed by JDR Metal Art

with Liftmaster la 500 commercial grade automatic operator System

These ranch driveway gates were a fun project from start to finish and will look great at their new home for many years to come.  JDR Metal Art designed, built, powder coated & installed this 24v solar-powered automatic gate system.

12′ Driveway Gate Design

We began with the 12′ dual swing gate design (a modification of one of our other tree driveway gates). Four whitetail deer and three turkeys are gathered under an oak tree. We also ended up adding to it a 14′ tall overhead arch with our customer’s ranch name plasma cut in a neat and attractive font.

Here’s our initial design concept; each steel driveway gate panel is exactly 6′ wide at the frame. The total opening between the posts is 12′ 10″ which allows for hinge spacing and a center gap of approximately 1″.

Custom Gate fabrication

The frames for our steel gates are typically made from 2 x 2 x 1/8″ & 2 x 2 x 3/16″ tubing. These pickets for the inside of the frame are 1 x 1 x 1/8″. The joints are cut with miters and given a slight gap for maximum weld penetration.

Custom gate panel

Driveway gate pickets copy

Weldment on driveway gate

Metal art gate panel

Next we are locating and placing the gate opener bracket for the LA 500 driveway gate opener.

Liftmaster LA 500 driveway gate bracket JDR Metal Art

Once the LA 500 bracket has been welded to the backside. In this case, it’s a “pull-to-open” gate opener installation setup.

Liftmaster LA 500 gate bracket weld

driveway gate weldment by JDR Metal Art

After MIG welding the steel base plate to the posts…

JDR Metal Art weld

This gate opener system is spec’d for Liftmaster LA 500 Gate openers

Liftmaster LA 500 arms brackets solar panel keypad remotes

Our gate opener/operator of choice for this project is the Liftmaster LA 500 system. It’s a 24 volt DC commercial duty system which offers twice as much voltage (power) as the 12v systems. Liftmaster has become a household name over the years with great brand recognition, unsurpassed quality and excellent customer service.

For automating this ranch entrance we installed the LIFTMASTER LA 500 dual swing gate opener system. The gate opener and photo eye brackets were welded in place on the gates and posts prior to powder coating.

la 500 gate bracket

Liftmaster LA 500 gate opener brackets welded gate posts JDR

photo eyes Custom Ranch Gates

Building the stands for the photo eyes. The photo-eyes play an extremely important safety role in this project. The holes in the stands are drilled and tapped for ease of installation on site.

Liftmaster LA 500 driveway gate opener photo eye bracket

Liftmaster LA 500 photo eye

Liftmaster LA 500 photo eye 2

keypad stand

The custom-built steel keypad stand is much better than the typical paper-thin steel ones.

Keypad Stand for Liftmaster LA 500 driveway gate opener wireless

Locating the photo-eye so it’s in line with the reflector on the other post.

Photo eye for driveway gate opener JDR Metal Art

Plasma cut turkeys hanging out in the grass.

metal art turkey for driveway gate by jdr metal art


Overhead arch for “take a chance ranch”

Lettering is cut from 3/16″ sheet steel, welded to a rolled 2x2x1/8″ square tube. Will be welded to the top of the gate posts with flux-core/gasless welder.

Ranch gate overhead

custom plasma cut Ranch brand

One of several signs we cut from 3/16″ steel for our client to put up around the ranch.

powder coated ranch brand plasma cut metal art

posts & small parts racked for powder coat

Here are most of the smaller parts required for this job, hanging from the powder coating cart.

Powder coat rack with parts for LA 500 project


powder coated driveway gates

Our favorite black powder coat – 60% gloss – is a “super-durable” grade powder coat made especially for high UV outdoor exposure. It looks great for many many years without the typical premature fading and/or peeling of a liquid coating.

Wet vs Dry Painting

Traditional paints are generally known as wet paints. Powder coating is called dry paint because it is applied in the form of a dry powder and there is no need for industrial solvents to dry and is thus green friendly.

Once the powder is applied to the parts, the parts go into a propane-fired powder coat oven where they bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes. As the parts heat up a chemical reaction occurs and the powder turns into a gel at first and then fully cures into a tough finish as it cools.

A powder-painted finish is much tougher than a liquid painted but without the extended cure times which liquid coatings suffer from, generally weeks to a month or more. Whereas a powder-coated gate is fully cured upon baking; liquid-coated gates are often still far from fully cured during the time of delivery & installation, thus leading to easily scratched and rubbed off paint finishes due to handling parts with a yet uncured finish.

Powder coated driveway gate

Driveway Gate Installation

Time for driveway gate installation. We begin by laying out the dimensions with a tape measure and marking the areas we’ll be working. We need holes for the gate posts and a trench between the two posts for the electrical and control wiring.

Gatepost holes And Trench

driveway gate post hole auger skid steerHoles have been drilled 40″ deep with a 24″ wide auger. The dummy base plates have been set in place with the threaded rods in their final resting place.

Setting Template for Overhead Posts

The posts for the overhead arch are 14′ tall. It’ll be easier to install a template for threaded rods which will be buried in concrete to support them.

Setting bracket for driveway gate post with threaded rod and base plate plasma cut by JDR Metal Art

pouring concrete

Before pouring the concrete it is necessary to fasten the rods in place so they can not shift while the hole is being filled.

Pouring driveway gate post pads for LA 500 by liftmaster

Concrete for driveway gate post hole with dummy bracket for post

Once the concrete is sufficiently set the posts will be secured to the threaded rods via galvanized nuts.

Ranch gates with Liftmaster gate openers






Driveway Gate Installation Costs

Driveway gate installation costs were about $3,500 for this project.


Plasma cut turkeys on ranch gate

liftmaster la 500 photo eye

The photo-eye is a safety device that monitors the entry opening for obstructions in the pathway of the gate during the open/close cycle. Like a garage door, it reverses the course of the opener when an obstruction is sensed in the pathway of the gate. This newest model also has an onboard thermostat and heater.

Photo eye for Liftmaster LA 500 driveway gate openers

Liftmaster LA 500 with gate openers mounted to JDR Metal Art custom ranch driveway gates


Liftmaster LA 500 keypad stand bracket by JDR Metal Art

Wireless keypad for LA 500 gate system

WKPS Wireless Keypad Stand for LA 500 dual swing driveway gate operator

Keypad stand baseplate for gate openers  Liftmaster LA 500 driveway gates by JDR Metal Art Liftmaster LA 500 driveway gate openers solar automatic electric by JDR Metal Art 2020 2

LA 500 dual swing openers 2 LA 500 dual swing openers LA 500 Control Box Stand by JDR Metal Art    Hanging a driveway gate overhead arch piece for Take A Chance Ranch

Driveway gate miter weld mig   Back view of 12 dual swing driveway gates with Liftmaster LA 500 dual swing gate opener

We Want Your Business!

Dear Customer,

Are you interested in having the best metal driveway gates built for your home, farm, ranch or estate? We’d love to hear about your upcoming driveway gate project! We build custom driveway gates for people just like you from all over the United States. We are able to make any metal driveway gate design that you can imagine! And we have some of the most competitive pricing nationwide! Thank you for considering JDR Metal Art for your customized metal driveway gate needs. We are excited to offer you a unique and personalized metal driveway gate design that will add both aesthetic and functional value to your property.

Our team of experienced expert designers and craftsmen specialize in creating custom metal driveway gates that reflect your unique style and preferences. We use high-quality materials, such as durable metals and powder coat finishes, to ensure that your gate is built to last beautifully for many years to come. We work closely with you to understand your specific needs and preferences, and we will provide you with a comprehensive design proposal that meets your requirements and budget.

We are confident that our custom metal driveway gates will exceed your expectations and provide a lasting value to your property. We look forward to working with you to create a beautiful and functional gate that reflects your unique style and enhances the security and privacy of your property.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation.

Best regards!

The Team At JDR Metal Art.