Prices start at $10,000 & up. Family owned & American made!

(888) 998 GATE

Driveway Gates

Prices start at $10,000 & up. Call or text Lindsey @ 6148009840 for a quote. Family Owned & American Made!

Los Angeles Driveway Gates with Copper Equine Scene

Los Angeles Driveway Gates by JDR Metal Art Expertly Crafted Aluminum Residential Gates featuring Custom Copper Powder Coat Finish These recently completed driveway gates were sent to Los Angeles, California by JDR Metal Art. The gate design was provided to us by the customer; we provided the customer with the plasma cutting, the aluminum gate … Read more

Aluminum Gate Design | Custom Los Angeles Horse Theme by JDR Metal Art

These aluminum driveway gates were custom-designed for a Los Angeles, California residence. The design features four horses and a donkey which are plasma cut from heavy-duty aluminum sheet metal. Aluminum Driveway Gates | Horse Design Customized Design for Los Angeles, CA residence by JDR Metal Art The main obstacle for this project was working with … Read more