Prices start at $10,000 & up. Family owned & American made!

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Driveway Gates

Prices start at $10,000 & up. Call or text Lindsey @ 6148009840 for a quote. Family Owned & American Made!

#1 Pensacola Florida Aluminum Driveway Gates – Plasma Cut Logo & Mexican Clavos Design

Driveway Gates for Pensacola Florida

Custom Designed Plasma Cut Logos & Mexican Clavos

by JDR Metal Art

Custom aluminum driveway gates with black powder coat finish.

Here’s a 20′ dual swing aluminum driveway gate project recently completed by JDR Metal Art for a Pensacola, Florida property entrance.

Starting Out: Plasma Cutting The Gate Logos

Hypertherm plasma torch cutting metal design logo from aluminum 3/16" thick.

Logos and signs cut from 3/16″ thick aluminum sheet, marine grade 5083.

Clean aluminum gate logo on background of unclean aluminum sheet.

Cleaned aluminum for custom gate logo.

Aluminum gate medallions plasma cut by JDR Metal Art for Pensacola Florida gate project.

Rolling Gate Logo Frames

Using a bender to roll the frames for the gate logos from 1/4″ thick by 2″ wide flat bar.

Rolling band for gate logo from aluminum flat bar.

Rolling aluminum flat bar.

Rolling 1/4"x2" flat bar into rings for the gate logo.

Aluminum gate design with logo being prepared for welding.

Custom plasma cut gate logo.

Clamping together a sign and ring in preparation for putting into the gate frame.

Polished aluminum sheet metal with plasma cut gate logo.

Sawing The Gate Frames

Using a horizontal band saw to cut 45-degree miters into the ends of the tubes which get mitered and welded together.  2 x 2 x 3/16″ aluminum frame material.

Horizontal saw cutting miters into 2x2 aluminum square tubing for gate frame.

Beveled and mitered aluminum square tubing.

Parts Prepared for Fabrication

All materials are saw and plasma cut, then prepared for fabrication. Saw and plasma cut material for custom aluminum gate and sign order.

Framing Up the Gates

All welded areas are degreased with acetone, mitered with a flap disc and scoured with a stainless steel wire brush prior to preheating and welding.

Square tubing tacked together for gate frame.

Aluminum square tubing frame for fabrication of driveway gate

Frame for building dual swing aluminum gates.

Building a gate frame and checking for squareness of the ends.

2x2 square tubing frame and 3/16" sheet metal design.

Square tubing bent into aluminum arches for custom gate.

Custom aluminum gate frames on top of each other.

Aluminum framing for custom gate.

Assembling aluminum sheet and square tubing.

Preheating the Aluminum Prior to Welding

Preheating aluminum prior to welding evaporates the “sweat” i.e. condensation which forms on the metal from humidity in the air. Moisture can cause the welds to be brittle and weak so preheating is important. The preheat also makes the initial section of weld stick better to the base metal.

Preheating aluminum gate tubing for spool gun welding.

Condensation sweating off the material after preheating the weld zone.

Moisture beading up on heated aluminum while preheating for welding.

Tack Welding Pickets In Place

All the pickets were placed first, then the logos placed on top and the spots traced onto the pickets before cutting them again.

Aluminum pickets for custom aluminum gate in Pensacola.

Layout of the Logos

Building an aluminum gate with logos.

Placing the logo into a custom aluminum picket gate.

Aluminum picket gate frame and plasma cut logo.

Gate frame for Mexican clavos project in Pensacola.

Layout of Top Sheet

Tracing out the area to be plasma cut. The Mexican clavos will be applied to the sheet once it is installed.

Layout of plasma cut top section.

Plasma cutting the top sheet which will hold the Mexican clavos.

Plasma cut top section.

Welded aluminum sheet metal welded to gate frame.

Ornamental aluminum gate panel for Pensacola job.

Locating the Clavos

The Mexican clavos are laid out in position and will be permanently applied after sandblasting the gates down to the raw metal.

Mexicon clavos on ornamental aluminum driveway gate panel.

Mexican clavos on aluminum driveway gate.

Hinge Brackets Welded in Place on Back of Gate

Hinge brackets for aluminum gate.

Ready for Sandblast

Dual swing aluminum driveway gates.

Welded aluminum gate logo.

Custom logo for aluminum gate.

Aluminum gate panel with plasma cut design.

Loaded on the sandblast rack with 2 other sets of gates.

Sunrise over aluminum driveway gates racked up to be sandblasted.

Aluminum gate logo after it has been sandblasted prior to powder coat.

Custom aluminum driveway gate that was sandblasted.

Raw aluminum sandblasted clean of all oxidaation

Sandblasted metal logo for custom Pensacola driveway gate made from aluminum.

Sandblasted logo for custom aluminum driveway gate.

Sandblasted metal signs and posts.

Raw aluminum after it was sandblasted.

Aluminum gates and signs that have been sandblasted in preparation for powder coating.

Powder Coating the Gates

Each gate panel and sign is pre-treated with an environmentally friendly corrosion control chemical followed by 2 coats of polyester powder coat. The film thickness of powder coat is around 6-8 mils. This is 4-5 times thicker than a 2-coat paint finish.

Aluminum gate sprayed with powder coat prior to oven bake.

Powder coated aluminum gate prior to baking

Powder coated aluminum driveway gate in the oven.

Black driveway gate being powder coated.

Black aluminum Mexican clavos that has been powder coated.

A black powder coated Mexican clavos.

Powder coated black sign logo for custom Pensacola gate.

Mexican clavos gate.

Custom plasma cut sign powder coated black.

Custom gate on pallet ready to ship to Pensacola Florida.

Driveway gate being crated up for shipment to Florida.

Custom powder coated sign.

Aluminum entrance gates with black powder coat finish.

Completed and on to the next project! 🙂

We Want Your Business!

Dear Customer,

Are you interested in having the best metal driveway gates built for your home, farm, ranch or estate? We’d love to hear about your upcoming driveway gate project! We build custom driveway gates for people just like you from all over the United States. We are able to make any metal driveway gate design that you can imagine! And we have some of the most competitive pricing nationwide! Thank you for considering JDR Metal Art for your customized metal driveway gate needs. We are excited to offer you a unique and personalized metal driveway gate design that will add both aesthetic and functional value to your property.

Our team of experienced expert designers and craftsmen specialize in creating custom metal driveway gates that reflect your unique style and preferences. We use high-quality materials, such as durable metals and powder coat finishes, to ensure that your gate is built to last beautifully for many years to come. We work closely with you to understand your specific needs and preferences, and we will provide you with a comprehensive design proposal that meets your requirements and budget.

We are confident that our custom metal driveway gates will exceed your expectations and provide a lasting value to your property. We look forward to working with you to create a beautiful and functional gate that reflects your unique style and enhances the security and privacy of your property.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation.

Best regards!

The Team At JDR Metal Art.

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Custom Driveway Gates Tampa Florida | Aluminum Horse Theme by JDR Metal Art

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Pensacola Florida Aluminum Driveway Gates; Plasma Cut Logo & Mexican Clavos Design

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Sarasota Driveway Gates:

Sarasota Florida Driveway Gates with Adorable 4 Horse Theme

Metal Driveway Gates Near Me:


Looking for metal driveway gates near me? JDR Metal Art designs gates, builds them and ships  nationwide. We compete with your local gate company to deliver a superior quality product at a fairer price.

Driveway gates made from aluminum for Pensacola property entrance.