Prices start at $10,000 & up. Family owned & American made!

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Driveway Gates

Prices start at $10,000 & up. Call or text Lindsey @ 6148009840 for a quote. Family Owned & American Made!

Aluminum Driveway Gates with Heavy Duty Frame & Whitetail Antlers

Aluminum Driveway Gates

With Heavy Duty 2×4″ Rectangular Tube Frame

Customized for Tennessee Property by JDR Metal Art

Sometimes people want an extra heavy-duty rust-free gate so here is one with a 2x4x1/4″ aluminum rectangular tube frame.

Although we used such a thick tube for the frame, the fact that it’s all constructed from aluminum means that the weight stays under 150 lbs. per leavy

The design incorporates a whitetail deer antler theme for our client who is located in Tennessee.

The antler silhouettes are plasma cut from 3/16″ thick aluminum sheets.

Each gate panel has mitered seams with beveled weld joints for extra strength.

The top of each gate panel has an S-curved arch

We powder coated everything in a fantastic-looking flat black finish after sandblasting and pretreating all the aluminum to extend the life of the coating.

Aluminum driveway gate with whitetail antlers

aluminum drive gate shop work Aluminum driveway gate frame 2 x 4 rectangular tubing aluminum driveway gates tennessee 1 aluminum driveway gates tennessee by jdr metal art custom gate panels 2017 driveway gate panel heavy duty aluminum driveway gate with rectangular tube frame Heavy duty aluminum driveway gates jdr metal art 2017 Heavy duty aluminum gate frame with beveled welds by jdr metal art 2017 Tennessee land driveway gates

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